Tuesday 1 November 2011

ENL Individual Assignment 1

1.       1.a)  Pet abuse

     2.a)    There are many cases of pet abuse happening nowadays around the world. The society and even the whole global cannot tolerate with these cruel behavior. The owners of the unfortune pets are so cruel and cold-blooded. They can torture their pet with different ways without any hesitate. They are irresponsible for their pet and their actions are totally inhumane. These cruel actions are strongly banned by the society.

From a article that I have read, there was a case about the owners torture his cat by throwing it into a dryer. Can you emagine that? One of human being best friend was being abuse in that way. The owners never think about the cat’s feel. On the other hand, leaving your pets inside the house by not feeding it and let it die off itself also kind of pet abuse. I’ll never enjoy the process of abusing since I feel that was terrible and so violent.

There are many different rules in every coutry to prevent human being from pet abuse. The one who abuse pet will get fine and even be sent into jail for their unforgivable action. However, Some of the owners will feel guilty and sorry about their action after the incident, but at the same time, there are still many cold-blooded owners who did not agree that they were wrong.

Therefore, this issue has to be always concerned by the society so that pet abuse can be reduce to zero. We should protect out pet for better tommorrow, not only for human being but especially them.

                                                                                                                                                      b)       Pet abuse happened due to many dirrerent reasons. First of all, one of the reason is the owners are trying to express their anger and stress by torturing their pets. Nowadays most of the people face a lot of pressure and they are depressed no matter they are working or studying. Many owners who suffering from depression had chosen the wrong way to relieve stress, which is by abusing their pets. They hit, torture, kick and beat their pet so that their anger and stress can be reduce. Some of them cannot control their anger and also failed to find out a suitable and correct way to relive their stress.

Besides that, some of the owners are psychopath. The owners may be mental ill and cause them to be violent towards their pets. They get their satisfaction after abusing their pets. They are proud of their behavior and like to share it out to others. They also think that torturing pets can bring them joy and hapiness. They are not able to think rationally and this cause them to release their tension by abusing the pets.

Moreover, some pet abuse incident happened when someone is demonstrating to the pet’s owner. For examples, a boyfriend is torturing his girlfriend’s pet when they are arguing. The pet abuser torture the innocent pets to get what they wants from the pet’s owner. The pets are injured physically and also mentally. In this case, the pet’s attitude and behavior will change. They will become more aggressive and mentally not stable. Thus, the pets owner is forced to hit their pet in order to control it.

There are also other reasons that cause pet abuse occur. Since we know the power of internet and also movie, many people start to abuse pet to show off with their actions. They just want to attract  people’s attention and follow the trend. In addition, nowadays the movie include a lot of violent scene. Thus, many people will act violently towards their pets since pets will not voice out not as human.

Although there are various reasons that cause pet abuse, but there is no way human being keep on torturing the innocent pets. They also have the rights and deserve to get our love and caring. In my opinion, more rules and law should be set to prevent pet abuse from keep on increasing. Actions must be taken by all the human being to protect the innocent animals that do need our love and caring.

                                                                                                                                                       c. i)       Pet abuse can influece the society in many different ways. Since we know that internet is so powerful, all kind of videos, pictures, articles and news from different corner in this world can be seen by everyone just by one click. This absolutely will affect everyone in this world. People who witness the abusing process will be affected mentally. This is because the abusing process are terriblly violent and heartbroken. Besides that, this also will influence the youths’ thinking. Some youth will to learn the way of torture and then do the same thing to their pets. At the end, the numbers of pet abuse will increase tremandously.

Moreover, an inhumane society will occur. Human being will become more cold blooded and cruel. This is a serious problem that need to be solve become it turns to terrible state. Actions must be taken such as set up some non-government organization (NGO) to perven pet abuse from keep on increasing.

Ont the other way, pet abuse will also increase the society’s awareness about the serious of this problem. Variou type of actions will be carry out to stop this inhumane actions. The law will be added to punish the pet abuser.

                                                                                                                                                     c.ii)     Pet abuser are the one who violent, irrational and unable to control themselve. From this, we can predict that the increasing of pet abuse will also lead to an increase of the criminal rate. The pet abuser will easily change their target from pet to human if there are not that much pet available for him to be torture.

Besides that, if the country popular will pet abuse, this will cause that country’s reputation and image broken in the internationals. This is because the society lost confidence for that country’s to solve the pet abuse problem.

From the reasons above, the foreign investor will not choose to invest in that country since the criminal rate is high and the image of that country is bad. This for sure will reduce the economic of that country. As the result, the resident in that country will suffer for bad economic.

Besides the impact that stated above, pet abuse also will cause the awareness of non-government organization (NGO) to come together and organize different campaign and event to prevent pet abuse for continue. The nation will motivated to fight against pet abuse.

As a conclusion, pet abuse bring a lot of  negative impact to the nation. Aggressive actions should be taken to solve this critical problem so that it will not affect our nation. However, pet abuse also create the awareness and motivate the society to fight against it.

Saturday 17 September 2011


Honestly, i don't really like to write but I also not that hate writing. I think the major reason I don't really like writing so much is because I lack of writing. Both my vocabulary and grammar also not that good and still need a lot of improvement. I always face a problem when I used to write which is i need a lot of time to start the essay. I often don't know how to start my essay when I try to write. This problem cause me always have no enough time to complete my task on time.

To overcome my weakness in writing, I had started to read some story books as I know this helps a lot. I also try to speak English more often in class and among friends. I hope there will be some improvement in my writing soon.


My major goal for now is I want to study hard and achieve good result in my degree because i don't want to regret again just like what I did when i get my SPM results. I was so regret as i can't maintain to get full A in my SPM after getting full As in my UPSR and PMR. I promise myself that I should study hard in my university and not repeat the same mistake agian.

The second goal that i aim for is to find a stable jobs after my degree so that i can save money to start my own business. Sure i'll start my own business instead of only having a job for my entire life as only by starting my own business I can make some miracles.


First of all, my name is LOO KIN MERN and of course I am a boy~! was born on 7th December 1993 in a happy family. 
Now I’m 18 years old and I’m studying my foundation in INTI. 
My hometown is in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. 
I like outdoor activities very much, therefore I have been taking part in many activities during my school time. 
I take part in many co-curriculum activities and active in those societies. 
I am a scout while I also the president of Young Christian Student Movement (YCS). 
Besides that, I like to know new friends as I like to play and also very enjoy the time spent with me friends.